Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Foster's Newborn Photoshoot!


  1. OMG these are precious. Your pictures are goregous!...and so is baby Foster!

  2. I love every single one of the them! I don't know if I can choose but I really think that my favorite is with him on the shelf. PRECIOUS!!!

  3. Your pictures are beautiful. What a perfect lil boy!!! And the nursery looks great too! Where did you get that adorable lil brown blanket/hat combo? (Etsy???) I don't know how to set up for you to answer my question on my own blog...so if you have any time to respond...my email is lindseyvugteveen@gmail.com. Thanks!

    Again congrats on your miracle!!!

  4. Oh my! What a beautiful boy... great pics! I LOVE the one of him on the shelf! So unexpected & sweet!

  5. Oh my goodness, he's just too precious! You have such a sweet baby boy. I love the pic where he's sleeping but it looks like he has a little smile. I'm so happy for you all!

  6. Those are great photos, and Foster is adorable!

  7. omg these photos are just TOO cute! LOVE LOVE LOVE them all! he's so precious - congrats again!

  8. OMG THE ONE ON THE BOOKSHELF IS TO DIE FOR!!!!! Seriously. Could be in a magazine!!!!

  9. oh lindsey, these photos are ah-may-zing!! What a wonderful snapshot in time. He will never be this small again! I sooo regret not doing these with Abbie.

    I die over those pictures of Foster wearing the knit hats. SO CUTE!!! I would blow them up into wallpaper size and paste them all over my house. :-D
