9/21/2010- ET: 2 blasts 4AA and 3AA (very very good quality). 5 FROSTIES!
9/17/2010- Embies doing well and progressing. ET pushed back to a 6dt blast transfer
9/16/2010- Only 12 mature- 11 fertilized normally with ICSI
9/15/2010- ER (24 eggs retrieved)
August '10: IVF w/ICSI #1 started
7/18/2010- CD9 Ultrasound and Bloodwork- Right: 11, 8, 6 Left: 12, 10.5, 9 Lining: 7.6 E2:__ .... dosage kept the same
7/15/2010- CD6 Ultrasound and Bloodwork- Right & left: lots of small follicles on each. E2 level: 126... dosage stayed the same
7/13/2010- Metformin increased to 2000mg
7/12/2010- Dexamethasone started. Follistim started at 175IU
7/11/2010- baseline ultrasound- CYSTS GONE!
7/10/2010- AF start
7/6/2010- Metformin increased to 1500mg
6/29/2010- Metformin increased to 1000mg
6/22/2010- Metformin Started (500mg)
6/17/2010- Blood work at new RE. Birth Control Pills started to shrink cysts
6/16/2010- AF starts. NEW RE APPT @ RGI. Baseline ultrasound showed 5 huge cysts on the right ovary and one huge cysts on the left ovary. CYCLE CANCELLED.
6/15/2010- Beta came back negative. Progesterone =0.9