Today is one of the saddest days of my life. I am so sad for those children and families. I am sad this happened at all. I am sad for Joe Paterno. I am sad because I think that the AD and Spanier betrayed him and let him take the fall for thier lack of action. I am sad that a man who has always stood for morality, charity, education and the love of the game is having his spotless record tarnished.
I am mad that Sanducky is an aweful human and I am mad that he put my univeristy and my coach at risk and in this situation in the first place.
I am DEVASTATED that my son wont grow up watching Joe Paterno coach at Penn State. I am devastated that he wont get the opportunity to grow to love a man and a football program rich with tradition and coached by a man of epic proportions.
I knew that at some point Joe woud retire and I feared that day because I dont know a Penn State without Joe Paterno. I love him. I will always love him. I know what he stood for and I believe in him.
At this point my heart is broken but my spirit remains true... WE ARE PENN STATE.
The boys in blue and white know what Joe stands for and they are at Penn State playing because they want to play for Joe Pa. So this weekend, and the rest of this season, those players in their nameless jerseys are going to play their hearts out for a man that we all love.... they are going to play as ONE, the way that Joe preaches, in the uniforms that he has kept unchanged, FOR HIM. So, if you want to see heart then watch as the Nittany Lions play their hearts out for JOE PATERNO... because a fire has been lit that noone can put out while Joe is in Beaver Stadium.
Thanks for the memories, Joe. We love you!